In early December, we decided that we were ready to start our family. I ran out and bought the book “What to Expect before Your Expecting.” I stated taking prenatal vitamins. I bought an ovulation kit and kicked the birth control. We were in the right mind set, we wanted a baby, and we are excited and happy.
After months of planning our first vacation, we headed to Gatlinburg, TN for New Years. We wanted to bring in the 2010 with as much positivity as we could, 2009 just hadn’t been a good year. We had the most amazing time. The baby dance was fun and excited and we couldn’t get enough of it (I know – that might be too much information Dad, if your reading). When it was time to go back to the real world, our marriage was as strong as ever and I’d never loved my Robert as much as I did now.
The morning of January 24, I woke up feeling super happy. I just knew today was going to be the day I found out I was going to be a mommy. I had my suspicions; my boobs had been so unbelievable sore in the last week and half that I was near tears. I had no sign of Aunt Flow and man-o-man; I had heart burn every stinking day for the past week! I’m pretty sure I nearly skipped down the aisles of Wal-Mart while I bought that pregnancy test. I didn’t care if people stared; I just knew I was going to be a mommy.
Dear Hubby (Robert) was with his parents at a convention, and I just couldn’t wait to find out. So I did it. I took the test. And it took exactly three minutes for the test to be ready to read. At this time so many things started racing through my head:
1)This would be the longest three minutes of my life.
2)I was all by myself – how was I supposed to handle this news by myself?
3)Whose idea was this anyways? I can’t take this kind of anxiety!
So I ran out of the bathroom nearly locking that test inside! I called one of my dearest friends (SH) and yelled into the phone “I took a pregnancy test – it’s in the bathroom – I’m all alone and I’m freaking out!” After some coaxing on both our parts, I slowly opened the door – and there it was. Two very pink lines! I was pregnant. I WAS PREGNANT! The tears came shortly after that realization kicked in.
After hanging up with SH, I just sat there and started at the test and smiled. I needed to tell Robert as soon as possible, but he wasn’t due home for another three hours! And he was with is parents. We hadn’t talked about when we would tell people we were expecting, but I knew I wanted only us to know for right now. The worst part of me got the best of me, and I broke down and called him. He was in the backseat of his folk’s car. Our convo went something like this:
Robert: Hey Babe.
Me: Hey! So, I can’t wait for you to get home!
Robert: Ok
Me: No, like I REALLY can’t wait till you get home!!
Robert: (deep breath) I know. I’m in the car with my parents.
Me: Ok. But you get what I’m saying right?
Robert: (long pause) yes….
Me: Ok Good!
Robert: I love you.
Needless to say, when he got home even though he was so happy he was also mad! I know. I know. I shouldn’t have done that. But come-on, I was alone and all I wanted to do was tell the love of my life he was going to be a daddy!
So, set the timer folks, because there is a bun in the oven and around the 1st of October, we will have our own itty, bitty, little baby!!