As a new mommy to be and an avid book worm, you can imagine how quickly I ran out to the nearest book store bought an abundance of pregnancy/baby books.

For anyone trying to conceive, I highly suggest the book “What to Expect Before Your Expecting”. This book gave me so much insight into the preparation your body needs to create a baby. This is where I learned about the ovulation kits, prenatal vitamins, the best times to do the baby dance and everything I need to know about my body and when to tell it’s ready for a baby. It is the TTC Bible!

The first book any new pregnant mom should read is What to Expect When Your Expecting. Fortunately, I had this book already; it was giving to me my one of my dearest friends (SH) when I told her we were TTC. This book is I believe the most well know pregnancy book out there. It is the Pregnancy Bible! The only thing I can really say about it is that touches base on everything you might need to know!

I just bought a really interesting book called Your Pregnancy and Birth. It’s pretty informational. It was created by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist. So the information in this book is the backed up by actual physicians. This book is more about the medical side of the pregnancy – what kind of things your doctor is going to look for. What your doctor is going to do at your visits. And then of course what happens during pregnancy.

Your Pregnancy Week by Week is another great book I’m reading. As the title says, it goes through your pregnancy week by week. It is truly amazing at how so much happens in just week. One week your baby is still an embryo, and the very next week it is forming a heart! Before you know it’s week 9 and your baby can now move its little limbs and body! In this book, not only are you reading about the changes your baby is making weekly, you are also learning about how your body is changing and symptoms you will start seeing that week. Unfortunately, I have the 4th edition, and the most current is the 6th edition. And I think another one is due out in March.
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