Thursday, April 29, 2010

To Dispose or Not to Dispose?

Isn’t that the ultimate question? As new parents, we read that we should try everything when it comes to diapers to figure out what works best for us. But is that really affordable? For some new parents the decision is easy, they knew before conceiving whether or not they were going to use disposable diapers or cloth diapers.

Well, let me tell you, Robby and I have no clue what we are going to use. Where do we even start?

I know how about I make a list of all the diaper brands I know of. Alright, get ready, get set go:


gDiapers (
FuzziBunz (
bumGenius (
Bummies (

Ok, so there’s my list. Now what?

Are cloth diapers better for the baby?
Are disposables easier to deal with?
Aren’t cloth diapers more affordable in the long run?
There would be less cleaning with disposables.
But the cloth ones are just so cute.

Ahhh!! More to come on our quest to figure out - To Dispose or Not to Dispose?


Aunt Katy said...

I didnt even know people still used cloth ones! lol I would do disposable, less poop to clean cuz you just wrap it up and throw it away.

Aue85 said...

Oh yeah - they are 100% different then what our mom's could use when we were growing up. Thats why you have to give them more consideration these days. lol

Your right Aunt Katy - we should use disposable since Robby is teaching the baby to poop only when your around! lol

Aunt Katy said...

Thats fine, I am ok with poopy dipers :)

Amanda said...

use disposable!! you will be dealing with cleaning up poop and puke and food and all that other nasty stuff baby's like to do that adding doody diapers to that list would just be an extra burden. and gross. wouldn't it make your washer smell like doody? eeeeeeew DOODY CLOTHES!!! you guys will soon smell like doody.