Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dear Robert

Dear Robert,

Since you wouldn't let me get you anything for our anniversary, I decided to write you a letter. So here goes...

I was only 18 when I met you and I hadn't experienced much when we started dating. Since you have been in my life, we have experienced a lot together: college, the loss of old friends, the gain of new friends, true love, death, an earthquake, a 1st plane ride, a carjacking, vacations to Florida, Chicago and Gatlinburg, lots of car rides and bathroom brakes, new jobs, becoming new home owners and very soon… becoming parents. Now at almost 25 years old, I am glad that I have done all my "living" so far with you.

You are the love of my life, my best friend and my soul mate. Two weeks after we stared dating, you told me that you loved me. I laughed and said “Robby, it’s too soon for love. Plus your drunk!” and you replied, “it’s not too soon to know that I’m going to marry you and I’m not drunk”. I didn’t argue, but you spent the rest of the night on the bathroom floor of my dorm room.

The truth was that, I already knew I loved you too. I have loved you since that night and my love has grown more and more for you every day.

I know sometimes I drive you nuts with my mood swings. I know that when I’m stressed out I tend to take things out on you. I’m so sorry about that. And I know that the last 8 months have been hard on you too – my emotions have been out of control at times (but just you remember buddy – you did this to me) :)

We only have two more months left of just it being you and me. I’m going to no-doubt-ably miss the one on one time with you that I crave so much, but at the same time, I’m so ready to be able to share you with what is about to be the most important thing in our life – our daughter.

You are going to be an amazing father. I know you’re excited and worried about her arrival. And you have been preparing all your cheesy dad lines, dating rules and trying to determine what career she will choose so you have the best chance of becoming a billionaire. But the truth is you don’t need to prepare, because you already have it in you. You are so amazing already, that it’s bursting out of you. I truly believe that one of the reasons God put you on this earth was for you to become a dad.

Lastly my love, I can’t imagine my life with anyone else but you. You are the only person I can be 100% myself with and you will love me no matter what. I know 3 years isn’t a huge deal when you think about our parents being married for 30 years and grandparents being married for 50, but I’m so glad that I have the rest of my life with you to look forward to!

And Robby – always remember that I love you more! ;)

Love your very lucky wife,

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Maternity Photos!

One thing that I was super excited about being pregnant was that I was going to get maternity photos. I knew the perfect photographers for the job too... my sister and father. They are both amazing photographers. I was lucky enough to have both of them in the same place so we had both of their specialties available to us!

My Dad is great with portraits, as you can see....

And my sister is the best get getting those candid shots....

I couldn't be happier with the results!

31 Week Belly Shot

I know this is a week late, but here is my 31 week belly shot. From week to week, I think I look about the same. But When I look at each month I can tell a difference. This will also be the last photo I take with my cell. Between my belly and my bulky iphone, there just isnt enough room in the photo anymore.

I can defiantly say that taking weekly shots have been a good idea. Maybe I will print them out and put them in a photo album. Oh, or maybe create a flip book or something.

This past week, the uncomfortable-ness of being "large and in charge" has set it. It's hard for me to sit in one position for a long time. I can tell that little Sophie is taking up more space and its getting tight in there, when she moves, I feel it...and so do the rest of my organs.